A young lady from Russia, Miss A, had been successful in applying for a job with a company in Taiwan. However, the company she was to work for encountered problems when applying for her work permit. The company very much wanted Miss A to fill the position as her background and qualifications were ideal for the role, Miss A was also very keen to come to Taiwan to live and be employed.

EZ Permit was contacted to see if they could help. Meetings and discussions took place with both the employer and Miss A and after carefully reviewing the reasons for the work permit application being rejected a solution to the problem was found. This primarily involved a better translation of the applicant's qualification documents and letters of recommendation, as well as their authentication by the appropriate authority.

EZ Permit took on the case relieving the company of the rather lengthy and time consuming process. After all of the necessary work had been completed the application was resubmitted to the WDA and the result was successful.

俄籍女子因簽證及工作證問題,透過朋友介紹EZ PERMIT, 經一個月努力後,雖本來的商務簽證解決方案失敗,但因雇主願意嘗試替她辦理工作證得以留台工作至今,工作態度目前深獲雇主肯定。

EZ Solutions:

整合專業口譯人員免費為外籍人士諮詢來台工作需要的協助,替外國人與雇主HR間達成良好溝通,並取得雇主信賴進而得到聘任機會。雇主辦理外國人工作證時, EZ PERMIT扮演專業人員整理並審核工作證文件, 替雇主省下很多查詢法令及文件翻譯的時間及金錢,減輕其工作負擔及人事行政成本。